HÖRMANN Finance GmbH (“HÖRMANN”) is considering the early repayment of its corporate bond that is scheduled to mature in 2018 (ISIN: DE000A1YCRD0). The repayment option is being examined with a view to the call option for the existing bond that is available on 5 December of each year, starting in 2016, at a price of 102%.

With this in mind, HÖRMANN is also examining the possibility of partial refinancing, including the issue of a new corporate bond. The decision on the selection of the refinancing instrument will be taken on the basis of the market environment and the outcome of discussions with investors and financing partners.

HÖRMANN Finance GmbH intends to further optimise its medium-term to long-term financing structure in light of the favourable interest rate environment and reduce its financial liabilities as a whole thanks to its comfortable liquidity situation.