Digitalization and the use of digital media is now an integral part of our lives. Almost all of us now use a smartphone and communicate via social media or WhatsApp. Many of us rely on digital processes in our everyday lives, such as electronic tax returns, digital banking or online shopping. And recently we have been encountering - often unnoticed - artificial intelligence (AI), which formulates letters and speeches for us or translates texts into another language - and is learning and improving at a rapid pace every day. Tomorrow, digitalization with "autonomous driving" and "human-like (humanoid) robots" will shape our lives.

Digitalization makes everyday life easier in many areas and helps us to cope better with increasing complexity. Even if digitalization constantly places new demands on us and requires constant learning, it also offers many opportunities to improve our lives.


We want to make greater use of all these opportunities in the HÖRMANN Group in the coming years. With this goal in mind, we launched an initiative at the beginning of 2023 to drive forward the digitalization of the HÖRMANN Group in big steps. We are pursuing two closely interlinked approaches:

  • the digitalization of our internal processes (business processes) in order to carry out our daily work more "intelligently", more efficiently and despite the shortage of skilled workers (internal digitalization),
  • the development of software, new digital products and digital business models to meet the requirements of our customers of tomorrow and to expand the HÖRMANN Group's portfolio of products and services (external digitalization).

    We will make great strides towards digitalization in the HÖRMANN Group in order to strengthen the competitiveness of all subsidiaries, counter the looming shortage of skilled workers and thus secure the future of the HÖRMANN Group in the long term.


Hoermann Magazine Digital

Magazine "mittendrin" | 1-2023